
The process that occurs to produce a supernova?

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what is the process that occurs to produce a supernova?




  1. There are two possible causes of supernovae:

    - A massive star may no longer produce fusion energy from fusing the nuclei of atoms in its core. Gravity wins and the star collapses inward under its own weight.

    -A old, white dwarf star that has a close companion from which material falls on it. If its mass becomes larger than about 1.5 solar masses it will undergo a thermonuclear explosion.

    In both cases, the resulting supernova explosion expels an enormous amount of steller material forming a nebula.

  2. Type II supernova - A star fuses light elements into heavier elements in order to make energy. As the elements get heavier it requires higher temperatures and pressures so the star gets bigger. Once it gets to Iron, the most stable element in the Universe, it can  no longer fuse it. Since it is now so big, it can't hold out against its own gravity and collapses.

    Type 1a Supernova - When a white dwarf star orbits another star, its gravity can pull material from the larger star. Eventually it reaches a limit, called the Chandreskar Limit, where it can no longer support its own weight and explodes. Scientists can find out how far away they are because as they always explode at the same mass they are always the same brightness.  

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