
The prosecutor demands jail for two managers for the sacking of the CAM

by  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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They created a fictitious committee for the sole purpose of making money. And once created, each year doubled allowances for attending. 8,200 euros in 2005, 16,400 in 2006, 32,800 the following year... All without that body decided nothing because it had no function. That is, in essence, the story follows Anticorruption in his indictment. The prosecution has asked the Criminal Chamber of the Audiencia Nacional four years in prison for the former director of the Caja de Ahorros del Mediterraneo (CAM), Roberto LÃ_pez Abad, and two years and six months for Juan Ramon Aviles, the president of the supervisory board of the bank, rescued in 2011 to 5,200 million euros, although the total bill may be around 15,000 million.

And Avilés LÃ_pez Abad are the first directors of a savings bank facing the opening of the trial for their misdeeds, a situation in which executives and Caixa Penedès are. In this process, which is just one of the pieces of the CAM, the prosecutor accused Aviles to use their position to their advantage to provide its own construction ruinous to simulate the box and selling this to continue as executive loans. In turn, accuses Lopez Abad, who was director from February 2001 to December 2010, of a continuing offense of misappropriation.

The former executive was the warping of the frame to multiply the income of the responsible entity. For this he turned to a company owned almost 100% by the box, and Financial Investment Holdings (TIP). LÃ_pez Abad promoted the December 23, 2005 the creation of a supervisory committee within the TIP that would comprise all members of the supervisory board of the CAM itself. The agreement that was established in 2005 set a "unique annual diet" of 8,200 euros, though at that time he only had eight days to end of the year - and double, ie 16,400 euros for 2006.

But in June 2006, decided to double the remuneration TIP. Thus, in addition to the 16,400 received that year, members of its audit committee receive other 16,400 the second half. And for the following years, the annual diet was set at 32,800. In April 2007 it was re-established that the "internal charges " charged twice. With the advent of Aviles to the supervisory board in 2007, they continued to multiply diets managers. In March 2008 it was agreed that the President would charge 80,000 euros per year and 40,000 the Secretary and Deputy Secretary. The other members, 20,000 euros.

That contrasts with the escalation compensation low activity of the organ. In its six -year history, the TIP control commission met only 16 times just before or after the commission of its parent control is held, the CAM. "In all these meetings (...) the attitude of its members was purely passive, merely listening to the information provided by the administrator of the company," explains Corruption.

That commission TIP " and was a mere blunt instrument devised by Roberto LÃ_pez Abad accused (...) to allow members of the supervisory board of the CAM charged a much higher emoluments to which they were entitled." Thus, Avilés and 20 other executives took nearly 1.5 million in total.

The document also describes the use Aviles, president of the supervisory board of the CAM, made ​​his own expense to benefit personally. He was in charge of the management of the case will take with respect to legality, but allegedly turned a blind eye to what touched their business for the entity awarded several ruinous loans. The CAM loaned 16.2 million to society Sucina La Vereda, owned by Avilés, for construction of a residential community of 174 homes, garages and warehouses in Sucina (Murcia). The board of directors of the CAM had obvious difficulty selling the promotion and, since 2009, showed signs of liquidity problems. Nevertheless, the increasing operating cash refinanced loan amounts. Without the help of the state, of which he was manager, the loan would have qualified as doubtful and Avilés, for enforcement of boxes, should have left office.

In early 2011 the financial situation of the Path of Sucina became untenable with a hole of 30,000 euros, but the box returned to renegotiate your loan on very favorable terms. This renewal must be authorized by the Instituto Valenciano de Finanzas (IVF), the inspection body of the Generalitat Valenciana. According Anticorruption Avilés was aware that the operation could be hampered by that body, so allegedly organized the fictitious sale of your company to your sister.

The sham operation was conceived by 90,000 euros, although Avilés sister knew him not income. The money was handed the manager 's wife, according to the prosecutor. That money also came from the company itself, La Vereda de Sucina. Thus, the company was buying Aviles herself and the management remained in command.

The penalties requested by the prosecutor are much lower than the asking counsel for the CAM, appointed by the FROB. Counsel requested LÃ_pez Abad six years and 10 for improper appropriation for Aviles. Simulated crime latter contract, the current direction of the box adds the unfair administration.

 Tags: Cam, demands, jail, managers, prosecutor, sacking


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