
The protection of the environment is more important than the economy growth?

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I want to se why is the protection of the environment is more important than the economy growth.............and why is the economy growth more important thant the environment please if u can help me




  1. Modern materialism strips us of the need to feel resposible for our surroundings. And the need to increase our materiel worth surpass the desire to restrict our impact on the enironment    :=(

  2. ecology and economy walk hand in hand

    Check history ,all great civilizations depended on a healthy Environment ,when the soil was gone or the climate had changed because of deforestations the societies disappeared

    The success of a Human society depends on its ability to grow food and the health of its people,if the water or soil becomes polluted the economy collapses.

    Most of the inland rains comes from the precipitation of forests ,only coastal regions get their rain from the seas

    Hence we must preserve our forests ,because they keep the rivers flowing

    All life in Nature of both the flora and fauna is interrelated, so we must keep all of it intact, to hang on to the equilibriums that have taken thousands of years to come into being.

    What do you think is more important, the planet or the people.

    Can we live without the planet?????????

    people are easy to make ,it takes just 2 to tango.

  3. I think yes.

    Another question - Is your health more important than your career?

    I believe most people will answer health becuase no health no career.

    Ditto for environment and economy. No environment no economy.

    Help the environment!

  4. Countries that have advanced economically turn their prosperity towards improving the environment.

    So first comes the economy then the environment.  If we can help 3rd world countries become more prosperous they will help their environment more.

    Pollution levels in the US have been steadily decreasing thanks to economic prosperity.  There's no reason protecting the environment has to hurt the economy just like there's no reason helping the economy has to hurt the environment.

    We should look for ways to help both at the same time.  Solutions like extra taxation only hurt the economy, so we need better solutions than carbon taxes.

  5. It all depends whether you think that you are more important than your grandchildren or the future of humanity.

    Also- they are not mutually exclusive.  If fact- with a little government motivation in the right direction, whole new business markets will open up for green technologies and products.

  6. lets think about it no nature = no humans oh dear that means no economy growth

  7. I believe it is more important. We can always rebuild the economy but trying to rebuild an ecosystem or bring back one of the many living creatures we make extinct everyday is not possible. Companies promise to create new wetlands if they cover one up, well it takes awhile to see if it will work and it has to meet a lot of requirements to be prosperous. One way to fix the economy is to tax the h**l out of the companies that outsource all their jobs and maybe they will return the work back to the people that buy their products. Cheap labor overseas as well as a poorly run government (does not matter if u r republican or democrat) is a major problem.

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