
The psycho psychologist told me to tell you this now?

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Well I wrote this:;_ylt=AvTkw.wIGLT6aR2hVyDeqU_sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080904174114AASt3jG

And sent my psychologist the link again. He sent THIS exact email to me (by the way, not All of his info is ACCURATE at all, I did not ring his bell repeatedly, nor did he find me any house to live in, but I told him I didn't want to move anyway. And the cyanide was what I had to kill myself with in his waiting room.)

"No, Collette. Tell them how you threatened me for 5 years. Tell them how you cut me twice. Tell them about the cyanide. Tell them how you sent me emails telling you had already killed yourself – to make me suffer. Tell them how your threatened to say that I told you to kill yourself in a suicide note. Tell them how I took you stores and malls to get over your social anxiety. Tell them how you sent me –LITERALLY—24,000 emails most of them insulting me and telling me to die. Tell them how you would ring my bell repeatedly if I didn’t let you in. Tell them how your broke my door bell (4x), the lights in front of my house, how you knocked over my furniture, stole the remote control from the waiting room. Tell them how you bit me when I tried to stop you from cutting yourself. Tell them how I personally drove you to the hospital 3 times and waited with you when you over dosed. Tell them how you tell me I am old and fat and ugly –and that I still tried to help you. Tell them it wasn’t’ ghetto but a two family house in ***********. Tell them that you said I let you down when you thought I didn’t get you the disability. Tell them how you told me that you consider yourself a calculating sociopath and want to kill people. Tell them how you begged me repeatedly for s*x and I refused because I felt it was wrong. Tell them that Collette. "

Now what do you think?




  1. Wow, that is what your psychologist wrote? He is extremely unprofessional. A psychologist should always remain composed and think about the needs of the patient. Although I am sure he treats some people that are severely unstable and mentally ill, he is trained not to lash out or get angry at them. He is supposed to HELP them. He attacked you personally. I would show this email to his licensing board. They should see how unprofessional he is acting.

    I think his reasoning for not allegedly accepting your s*x advances was weird. "Because he felt it was wrong." That means that he WANTED to have s*x wit hyou and found you attractive, but he didn't do it because he felt it was morally wrong. He should say that he didn't want to, and also that it was wrong.

    I think he needs to see a psychologist for his anger issues. A psychologist should never lash out at a patient like that. Also, he did it by email, where he had no control over you while you were reading it. I think that letter is enough to drive someone to suicide. He doesn't care about your needs. Find a new therapist.

    Good luck!

  2. Very unprofessional.

  3. Frankly, one of the first things we learn is to doubt what people claim to be "the truth." It may seem like truth to them, or it may be outright lies. But there is no way one can really tell, and certainly not on this Yahoo site.

    If there is a grain of truth to what your shrink has written (and, you say, wanted us all to know) then it is abundantly clear that you needs to continue with your meds and find a different psychiatrist. (Is this one a psychologist, or a psychiatrist? Who prescribes your meds? What is your diagnosis? Just curious.)

    You say you are in a continuing and on-going incestuous relationship with your father, and you enjoy it? You require a great deal of deep and long-term psychiatric help. Please don't blame your "psycho psychologist" for your own important psychological needs.  

  4. I'm confused. I don't know if you're actually having a problem or if anything that you've written is actually real. It just sounds ...well...made up. Sorry, but you don't make any sense.

    I have to agree,...keep taking your meds....It sounds like you need them.

  5. Keep taking your meds, Collette.

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