
The queen rules over us, How exactly does this show itself? ? What does she do?

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The queen rules over us, How exactly does this show itself? ? What does she do?




  1. I will try to make it simple for someone with as limited intelligence as you.The Queen does not rule over us at all.She rules only in a very roundabout way.I can see that this is already taxing your shared brain cell to the limit.Just don't think about it for the moment,you will get another headache,now be a good troll and get back under your bridge,

    Edit,Maybe your queen rules over you,you seem to be the passive type,nudge,nudge,wink,wink a nods as good as a wink to a blind hose,say no more!

  2. Royal Assent is only procedural. There have been fewer than a dozen instances where it did not occur, but that was centuries ago. The Queen rarely does it herself these days anyway; the Governor-General does it on her behalf. The Queen only does it to open parliament after the summer.

    Entertainingly, she also cuts ribbon's at mall openings and such. She's just a head of state (a figural representation of history and tradition).

  3. No act passed in Parliament can become law with Royal Assent. That means the Queen or in the case of her realms and territories, the Governors General or Lieutenant Govenors acting on her behalf, must give approval.

    No Prime Minister or Parliament may exist without her assent.

    These are formalities, but vital ones. To vary them would require altering constitutions around the world.

  4. Troll.Why don't you take up a hobby? Russian Roulette comes to mind.

  5. She does not rule over you. She is free to spend alot of your money though. That is what she does. If you protest, she'll have your head lopped off, or you'll be killed in a tunnel in Paris, or some other form of unpleasantness.

  6. The queen does nothing at all.

  7. The Queen reigns,  but does not rule.  Her position is largely that of a national figurehead.   It is her duty to advise and warn.  Although a very influential person, she is not directly responsible for any legal decisions.

  8. nothing, she just pretends to rule.

  9. she doesnt rule over us those days are long gone she is only a figurehead nothing more

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