
The queen said she was concerned about the flood victims, do you think she could spare a couple of million to?

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  1. that would mean actually lifting a finger. don't count on it.

  2. NO she wouldn't do that..........The concern is false.....She wouldn't part with any of her money,  it doesn't how big or small.

  3. What makes you think that she hasn't?

  4. Why should cheap pykies that did not pay home insurance recieve financial support from others? If you didnt get insurance, and got flooded, tough ****! im fed up with these people that think the government, and so the tax payer owe them something, as far as im concerned, they made their bed, and they can ******* sleep in it!

  5. Why should she? To make up for the rich, selfish people that won't? If she did then why would ANYBODY pitch in to help??

  6. Umm surely thats what they pay house insurance for. I sure as h**l do.

  7. well, most of that money would come out of our taxes so... you know.

  8. A couple of million is walking around money to that snooty old woman. She couldn't care less about flood victims. Unless the water gets into her palaces.

  9. The Queen places all of her yearly profits into a special account that is for the use of the government.  Likely a very large amount of the money that the government spends on post-flood expenses will in fact come from the Royal Family.

  10. She can spare it the question is will she spare it?

  11. She was probably concerned they would become a public nuisance!

  12. She did and does. She doesn't make a big fuss in the media everytime she makes a donation. She doesn't seek attention like that.

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