
The question of experience: Would you rather hire someone who spent 2 years as Governor?

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And instituted a number of significant reforms, or someone who spent 7 years in the State Senate and 3 years in the U.S. Senate without accomplishing ANYTHING?




  1. Why do people keep comparing the VP to the P. OK

  2. No, she is not a good choice. Her experience  as  seen  shows her lack of  judgement. She plans  infrastructure that is incomplete. She  spends much and borrows more.

  3. Palin = Female Bush


  4. Experience Palin has far more experience she ran the state of alaska.Obama has 1 and half years in senate besides being an activist.Some of our Presidents have been former Governors!

  5. Her primary accomplishment as Governor was to acquire more pork per capita than any other state.

    Hardly something to be proud of.

  6. I choose Governor Sarah Palin and I would choose her over the junior senator from Illinois any time. For all the elitist just because someone went to a state college instead of Harvard it does not mean they are not educated in fact, it means that they are more in touch with the regular working Americans.

  7. I'll take a Gov. over an empty suit ANY DAY OF THE WEEK!!!

  8. What is your source that he didnt accomplish anything?  Were you with him there everyday? Did he never vote for anything?  Did he just sit there and look pretty?  

  9. Yes, Governor Palin..come on down!

  10. depends...who looks better in a bikini

  11. What about my student body class president from high school she was pretty smart. Maybe we should elect the waterboy that would work.

    If we elect her we are saying education doesn't matter all you need is a good rack, that just makes me sick.

  12. Sarah Rocks

    McCain/Palin '08-Jobs+Economic Growth thru Energy Development

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