
The "Twilight" series Appropriate for 11-year-old neice?

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I've read "Twilight" Myself but I don't know if it would be appropriate for my 11-year old neice, she's very mature and reads thick books. But when the movie comes out will her mom be mad if she finds out that her daughter read the book judging from the content from the movie? My neices mother seems to find out everything, so she can't hide the book from her. Please answer and if you can...STAR IT! thanks! ;)




  1. Well, there's that part where Bella wants to get s*x from Edward. You can Sharpie that part out. But other than that, it's totally harmless. It's a pretty clean book series.

  2. im 12 now but i read the twilight series wen i was 11(a few months back) . my parents didnt actually mind. well dey dnt rlly care bout the books i read. tho they might not lemme ssee da movie. so i guess its ok im a pretty mature reader.

  3. The first three are fine...not so sure about the 4th though...maybe wait a year or two

  4. It's very romantic. If she's mature enough for lots of kissing and the theme of true love then yes. New Moon is pretty clean. Eclipse only suggests sexual themes. Breaking Dawn implies them. I personally think Breaking Dawn has too many sexual themes in it. If she reads Twilight, she'll beg you to read the rest of the serious, so be careful about your desicion!

  5. not really i don't think an 11 year old would like the romance maybe when she's 12 or 13 i read them when i was 14  

  6. i think so i read it wen i was 11 so  

  7. the reading level is so low but the content is more for high school students..

    it's like a children book mixed with adult romance... so I say no..

    buy her some classical jane Austin books...  

  8. the first three are but she should wait to read breaking dawn all and all the books are great lolz I'm big twilight fan

  9. im 12 and i dont think its bad for an 11 year old to read but i think breaking dawn is a little too inappropriate but the rest is ok  

  10. Um well if she is mature, maybe the 1st-3rd books, but the 4th book is probably to mature and inappropriate.

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