
The "cheat" day on the diet???

by Guest63280  |  earlier

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okay, so i do the "cheat" day for my diet. which is just one day out of the week to eat whatever. I'm a big fan of it bc it helps me stay on track. however i want to cut it down bc i want to lose weight faster. i cant cut it out all together, bc i know it would be way to hard for me to stay motivated and not splurge. So my question is-- should i cut it down to just one bad MEAL- every saturday. or one bad DAY every OTHER saturday. i think doing it every other weekend would give me a better chance to get on a role with losing the weight. but I'm not positive. help me please!

and please don't tell me the way to lose weight it to exercise and eat healthy. because i already know that. and i am doing that. i don't need help in that department, but thanks. : )




  1.    I prefer to "cheat" in little ways throughout my diet...not just one specific day.

       One day, I may splurge and buy a bag of peanut M+M's (No! Not the 1/2 pounder bag!) and enjoy each one. A couple of days later, I may stop for a small Tasty Freeze ice cream cone. I find these little "cheats" more helpful than full day cheats, where I'm apt to pig out and pay a terrible price (intestinal and stomach wise!) the next day!

       So keep to your diet and try little treats here and there instead of a whole day of letting loose. It also makes your diet seem less regimented.

  2. When it's your cheat time cheat but within reason then-you can do it the whole day.  Instead of a cheeseburger w/fries have a turkey burger on a whole wheat bun with a sweet potato if you like sweets instead of cake or icecream have a little dark chocotate switch from wine or beer to vodka and club soda.  I thought I was safe from gaining weight and started to cheat like crazy, well the pants I put on today are really tight so I don't think most of have to many calories to play with. Now I have to go back to being really strict for a while but, it's my own fault for getting carried away.  

  3. I'd go for the cheat meal rather than a whole day so you aren't doing as much damage. & once a week rather than every other so you don't have to wait as long. Also if (once a week) you eat a healthy breakfast & lunch & junk food for dinner you may still be able to keep your daily calorie total low enough that it doesn't affect you that much.

    There's also ways to make your cheat meal not as damaging to your diet. Like if you're craving a cheeseburger & french fries from burger king go for it but get the kids meal & have a oj or water. Or go out to eat for lunch & have them box half of it. to eat for dinner. And even if you decide to go all out for one meal have a salad or bowl of fruit with it.  

  4. If your cheat day is Saturday, maybe cut it down to a cheat MEAL. Maybe Saturday night could be your evening to go out to eat and order some french fries as a side order for a special treat. I think you'll feel better because you won't have splurged for the whole day!

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