
The "do you like me ?" question?

by  |  earlier

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so i met this guy about a year ago.he n i started talkin n we started 2 like each other.we even told each other tat we like each other but never really went out.after couple months of talkin he stops talkin 2 me n i stop talkin to him to until about 2 months ago he starts talkin to me again.we then see each other couple times at parties n i start to like him again n i thoguht he liked me back 2.but he then asks this girl out so i think he must not like me until couple days ago he asks me "DO YOU LIKE ME?"n he still is together with the i told him i kind of liked him and i askedhim do u like me but he just said i cant tell you in my situation(translation-girlfriend).then my friend goes and asks him do u like her.he told my friend that he HELLA likes me as a friend but my friend thinks that he does like me more than a friend

so does it sound like he does like even though he has a girlfriend

or does he just HELLA like me as a friend?

if he does like me,wat should i do?




  1. get a life.....too much drama..........that is what you should do...... no JK, talk to the guy

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