
The "fall" of the U.S.A entails?

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So I've been reading up on political things I figured I'd need to know when I turn 18 (which sadly happens after the elections.) Throughout my readings I kept hearing of the "fall of the U.S.A if..etc, etc, etc) Forgive me for being a novice to political affairs, but what would that fall actually mean? An endless amount of blood, violence and lack of freedom...?




  1. The fall is whenever the Democrats don't have control of the nation. It is a scare tactic.This country is much too rich, strong and generally sane to fall anywhere, any time soon  

  2. Good question!  We have been falling since the beginning of the Federal Reserve System back in 1917 I believe.  This is when the USA political arena (ie Congress, Rockerfeller, Vanderbilt and Carnigie) decided that the taxpayer should pay for the whims of the rich and powerful and that in doing so the elected officials who "stood" by them would be hughly rewarded (as well as the lobbyists).  Now then, the FRS backs Wall Street (but the gov won't tell you that!), banks of the world but mostly USA, and large corporations.  Wall Street backs WWI, WWII, Korean, Vietnam wars, etc who then backs the manufacturers of weapons, chemicals, pharmaceuticles, and "super" technologies (again, in the mentioned areas plus nano, super colliders, GPS).  Not to evade your question, The FRS who is bankrolled by the rich and powerful from banking, financial, and oil markets etc, lend money to the USA that mysteriously comes from thin air and the USA uses it to fund more wars, but that's not it!!  The politicians who are paid off, then, put into affect canges in education that bring about change in this generaton's  thought process of indivdualism (they don't want us to think like that, ie The Rainbow Fish) and being competative (they want us/you to depend on the government for everything by keeping you stupid!!).  This is clearly evident in the "universal health care system" (you HAVE to pay a certain amount before you can even think of buying food, utilities, housing and other necessities), which leads to huge deficets that is to be repaid by the American taxpayer--EVERTHING to be paid by the American taxpayer.  Now, just to confuse the taxpayer, the rich and powerful have to throw into the mix issues of illegal immigration, war and war and war, let's protect the jews in Israel because they have never been able to fight thier own battles, let's protect the jews in Georgia cuz they have a multimillion oil pipeline going through.  If that's not enough, let's keep technology changing in the entertainment and business structures so the peons (us) are blinded so that we (the rich and powerful) can plan our takeover and destruction of the poor and middle class.  This is where the Trilateral Union, Bilderburg meetings, and Bohemian Grove Lakeside talks come in.  These are just little get togethers of the rich and powerful where they talk about control (political, financial mostly), who gets elected into what office and legislature (what, do you think we have a voice? ya nuts dude!!). But most importantly, they need a police state to accomplish which, indeed, is and has been in devlopement since 9/11 . answered your own question, yes there will be blood, violence, and uncertainties (who will win, them or us) but if we act prudently and carefully we won't lose our freedom ....... I hope!!  It is scary, too scary to believe it is happening like this but it is!  Don't put too much faith in the Almighty, religion has been a fool's dream long enough--it's up to us!!

  3. If you mean a total fall of goverment? Then the shock waves would affect the entire world. There would be a shift in balance of power and russia,asia,and most of the middle east would go unchecked for some time. It would also most likely bring on a worldwide depression, since our market is such a large force in the economy. It wouldn't be a good thing thats for sure.

  4. The "Fall" of the USA has to do with the fact that so many Americans are uninformed to the major happenings of the world.  We get willingly distracted by the television, internet, and movies, forgetting that all along there are people out there that are deciding how they are going to take away out constitutional freedoms.  

    Ever since 9-11 we have been fed a heavy dose of fear from our government.  This in turn has caused many to get scared and hand over our rights to keep us "safe".  Everybody started to believe that terrorists wielding box cutters were going to storm our shores and destroy all of us American infidels.  The government has been able to manipulate the media to feed us their fear by the mouthful.  The media is supposed to be the "watchdog" of the government, not its 'mouthpiece".  Being afraid isn't very American if you ask me.

    The fall of America isn't immanent, but it is very possible if people don't start to realize that this is their country. Our government prefers that we remain distracted.  It makes their jobs a lot easier when We the People are watching something else.

    I would recommend that you don't let anybody tell you what to believe, but keep an open mind and look at all of the information you find.  Don't only listen to CNN or Fox News, but read, listen to the radio, search the web and discuss.  I hope that I was a little helpful.

  5. The fall of the US is a left wing wet dream.

    And it most certainly would happen if they took over.

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