
The rail track can be Modified in certain ways?

by  |  earlier

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I am making a model on rail track modification

so help me




  1. There aren't many modifications that can be made on railroad track or the trains will fall off.

    In model railroading as well as in real life railroading.

    But if you have more specifics, please add details to your question, there are some veryknowledgeablee people here.  

  2. Perhaps you should ask this question in your first language.

  3. Many people (myself included) have hobbies in model railroading and there are many modifications that can be done as long as certain criteria are met.  Model railroaders usually have a tool that helps identify whether or not these specifications are met - it looks like a metal index card with notches cut into it.

    1. the gauge must always be maintained within tolerence

    2. nothing can extend above the height of the rails in the path of the train or on the track

    3. if the track will be powered, the rails must remain insulated from each other

    4. there must not be any sharp "kinks" or sudden changes in rail height (vertical allignment)

    5. the rails must remain oriented properly (not bent or tipped outward/inward)

    There are a few other rules and such - such as selecting the minimum radius, proper banking, limiting grades, etc. but those are the major ones I can think of.

    If you can provide more detail about what you're trying to accomplish, it would be much easier to answer your question more specifically - and say what you should (or should not) do.

  4. You need to be more specific about which gauge you are working in, what modifications you intend to carry out, etc.

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