
The rare-earth phosphors are used in intensifying screens because?

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A. they have negligible afterglow.

B. they emit green light, which is easily absorbed by the film.

C. their crystals are larger and more powerful.

D. their intrinsic conversion is greater than that of calcium tungstate.




  1. The rare-earth phosphors are used in intensifying screens because?

    D. their intrinsic conversion is greater than that of calcium tungstate

    All the answers are true but the question is asking for what reason are they using rare-earth phosphors.

    The source at the bottom will help you a lot. I take you are an x-ray student. So am I. If you need help I can try to help.

    They do have an after glow which is a downside

    the green light can also be a down side depending the study

    the crystals are larger but can white out the film

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