
The real standard of Military CQC?

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How would the average special ops / commando fare against a competitive MMA fighter?

I'd personally speculate the commando would get whooped, because of the lack of the significantly lesser amount of time spent training in hand-to-hand combat.




  1. Against someone that trains on a regular, recurring basis they would have little chance but some.  That is still better than no chance at all though.  They started teaching basic hand-to-hand combat skills and basic self-defense in SERE training a few years ago just for that reason and while I sometimes look at such things and shake my head if it helps just one person survive that otherwise wouldn't then it was time and effort well spent.  The small amount of training and limited time that they practice it if ever again hardly makes someone with such training a lethal weapon though.

  2. Actually the military's current combative (hand-to-hand combat) is based off of Brazilian Ju-jitsu from the Gracie camp of fighting, and though all military units are supposed to train on it AT LEAST once a week many units don't but I am guessing that Special units (i.e. SF, Commandos, SEALS, and such) probably train on it more often than once a week so they will probably be able to hold their own (within their respective weight class) obviously there would be some that would be better than others and I wouldn't put someone 5'6 169lbs against a guy like Brock Lesner but maybe against a guy like Forrest Griffen he would fair a chance.

  3. If in a war theater, the MMA fighter would be shot quickly. There is a difference fighting under the rules of MMA, and fighting under the rules of war.

  4. his gun will jam and the commando will open a can of whoop ***!

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