
The reality of the world's events over the next couple of years?

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In advance, this question isn't asking for your opinions on the following events, rather what is most likely to happen in these events. The following, is what I believe will happen with regards to the following events over the next couple of years.

1) Tibet will remain in Chinese control. And it will be forgotten or already has been by the rest of the world especially after the Olympics.

2) Burma will remain under it's military junta, and well, it already has been forgotten about.

3) Nothing will happen with Sudan, and the people of Dafur will continue to suffer like in previous years.

4) Zimbabwe will remain like it is, with Mugabe in control. And if anything happens from this, it will only be Mugabe becoming more of a dictator.

5) The Iraq war can be won, especially if we continue our present course. And enough progress might be made in time, even if Obama pulls out regardless of the situation on the ground.




  1. I agree with most of your outcomes but would say

    1) What happened to the U.S. 'stars' who have pushed the cause of Tibet in the past such as Richard Gere, Angelina Jolie, et al. Why did they stop their campaigning when the world joined in?  I think the Chinese will, when all is quiet after the Olympics, make the Tibetans suffer for their loss of face over the protests during the Olympic torch ceremonies.

    2) Burma is a forgotten cause and will continue to be a God forsaken place to live or rather exist since it can't be called a life.

    3) For all the concerts for and the appeals held for Sudan, until the warlords are defeated finally and drastically their will be no peace in that area. Dafur is a region that is now not newsworthy so has been forgotten.

    4) The truth is only a bullet to the head of Mugabe will change anything in Zimbabwe, as a visitor to that area many years ago it is difficult to see it as a desolate desert like Country when I remember it as a glorious green landscape with more than enough food and other crops being grown and superb coffee sales which made the country wealthy.  The British put Mugabe in power and need to answer for that (see next answer)

    5) I DON'T believe that the war in Iraq can be won, I think it can be managed, but it will never be won while it is considered to be a holy war with the West being seen as what they were invaders seeking to change not only the leadership but bringing Western democracy and rule to an area that didn't want it and didn't need it.  We British should have learned the lessons of 'regime change' during the years of the British Empire and all that stood for.  

    It is a miserable future to look into and mankind will lose many lives in so many areas on both sides combatants and innocents and for what?

    It is amazing how deep mans inhumanity to man can delve!!

  2. I'd have to disagree with 3).  Eventually, there will be no black Africans left.  They will all be killed or driven into exile.  The genocide will be complete, and the only people living in the Sudan will be arab muslims.  When there are no more black Africans left to kill, there will be "peace", and the leaders of Sudan will be awarded the Nobel Peace prize.

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