
The really funny joke?

by  |  earlier

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Once apon a time there was 2 people who lived their life to the fullest and did everything together EVERYTHING! anyhow one of them was on the toilet once dropping a real loader ! and then he grabbed the toilet papaer to whip his as when he;s friend walks in and says " HUH! your going to the toilet without me!? and your using clinx toilet paper, when you and i promised we would use clunx toilet paper!!!!!! all these years WAISTED!!!!!!! and to think i thought we had something!, i dont know you anyMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " the other says calm down iam just whipping my backside god!

whu ever says its really funny and means it in 25 words and also comming up with a name for this gets best answer!, or u can just comment normal




  1. Did you mean 'to wipe his @ss or did you really mean 'to whip his @ss

    Either way I am sorry to say I really don't get the joke. sorry.

    I'm sorry I can not in 25 words say that it is really funny and mean it.

    As for a name for it, surely it has to be the toilet bowl joke cause that's just about the only place this one belongs.

    Don't give up though its pretty hard to make up new jokes from scratch.  :<)


  2. what's funny with this?

  3. lol that's really funny

  4. ur discusting and sooo not funny

  5. Not funny at all

  6. It's not funny but this is:

  7. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ha








  9. That's really funny and I mean it.

    And call it "The Really Funny Joke" Ha. Ha, Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha...
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