
The recent tornado in Iowa killed 4 Boy Scouts but many were saved. What do you think about the Boy Scouts?

by Guest59954  |  earlier

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The Boy Scouts has received lots of bad press over the past few years. I think this is unfortunate since they do lots of good work with kids..




  1. Was that God punishing the Scouts for their homophobia?

    Where are the religious nutcases who always say that tragedies are "God's message" about some group?

  2. I thought for sure that more of these homophobes would have died.  No worries though they will gets there's in due time.

  3. Being an Eagle Scout myself, I come from a proud line of very patriotic and morally strong men that shape this country.  Like the egg, the pressure and heat put on us just makes us stronger.

  4. They really need to stop hiring those g*y guys for scout masters!

  5. This a horrible tragedy, plain and simply, and has nothing what-so-ever to do with any bad press the BSA has gotten. I don't know how anyone could link these things together.

    EDIT: sorry if I implied that YOU were tying them together. I've seen a few other posts linking this disaster to some kind of divine retribution and was reacting to them.

  6. Exceptional organization!

  7. Boy Scouts are awesome.

  8. I'm an eagle scout and i see no problem with them not allowing g**s or atheists in, it's a private organization and it's a free country.

  9. Like the Catholic Church in years pass these group of fine young men have been misaligned because of a few.Boy Scouts learn and practice many morals and skills that last a life time.This was a horrible thing to have happened.Den mother and sectary 4 years and proud of it!

  10. I worked with the scouts while my boys were working on their Eagle. The Boy Scouts to so much good and this tragedy shows how they live their motto - "Be Prepared!" They took care of their own.

    The scouts are not homophobes. They have standards that they live by. As a private group they have the right to choose their leaders.

    As a leader of a Venture Crew (co-ed), I was privileged to get to know many fine young men AND women. They are working to become great adults.

  11. They teach young boys morals and skills they can use later in life.  A lot of the bad press they have gotten has been related to the fact they do not allow g**s in.

  12. Unfortunate, yes. But, it doesn't erase the fact that they are a homophobic institution that pushes Christianity.

    This event is not related to, nor does it have an effect on the BSAs policies.

  13. This is a horrible tragedy. The scouts do so much good in the community. These young men had their lives cut short!

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