
The relative gold

by  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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Deng Jiagui came out of nowhere in 1996, when she married Qiaoqiao Qi, the older sister of Xi Jinping, China 's current president. Until then, just know who ran a real estate company in Hong Kong, although he comes from mainland China. The brother of Xi appears in the database obtained by ICIJ (International Consortium of Investigative Journalists) as a director and shareholder of a company called Property Development Effort Excellence, registered in the British Virgin Islands in 2008, when he was vice president Xi.

The company is part of the vast estate fortune that Deng and his wife accumulated since the mid- nineties. Qi, 64, and her husband, 62, are removed substantially all of its business. Is her daughter, Zhang Yannan, 34, who runs a family fortune slashing $ 130 million in property alone, according to the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun. President Xi, however, does not appear in any document linked to any activity of your sister or brother.

In research published by Bloomberg last year, Qi and her husband appeared as sole owners of a consortium called Shenzhen Yuanwei Investment- firm that is not in the database ICIJ -, mainly devoted to real estate and valued at $ 288 million. Other subsidiary companies of the consortium Yuanwei add an additional capital of nearly 85 million. When reporters from Bloomberg tracked down Deng on your mobile, replied that this was removed. When asked by his wife and daughter this, he replied: "It's not convenient for me to talk too much about these issues." Attempts to talk to Zhang Qi or have been unsuccessful.

Appeared in the Hong Kong press articles indicate that Deng is a native of the province of Yunnan, where he did business in the tobacco sector between the eighties and nineties. Deng and Qi met around 1990, when she left his post at the Chinese police, according to an article in the Asahi Shimbun published in 2012 as part of a series on the children of the old guard of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Qi began his business career in his mid forties, suggesting that made ​​his fortune in the past two decades. Qi was born in Yannan (Shaanxi Province), considered the birthplace of the Chinese revolution in 1949, it's creation of the People's Republic. His father, Xi Zhongxun, is considered one of the so-called " eight immortals " of the CPC, the parents of the communist revolution. In 1962, already in high school, he began using his mother 's surname, Qi. That same year his father fell out with the regime of Mao and soon Qi was sent to live in the autonomous region of Inner Mongolia, where starved and cold and where " hardened his character," he confessed in an interview to Qinghua University (Beijing).

His father was rehabilitated in 1978 and Qi went to work with him as his secretary and personal assistant. It was she who nursed him until his death in 2002 at age 88. Xi Zhongxun apart from positions in the government and the CCP, was the architect of the transformation of Shenzhen (Guangdong Province), one of the most commercially active cities in China. The small fishing village, is now a city of over 16 million people, was the first to benefit from economic liberalization began in the eighties.

 Tags: Gold, relative

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