
The rest of the world knows Bush is tool of moneymen, why are some in the USA still in denial?

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Is it unpatriotic act to admit these things?

Oil prices.


Saudi Arabia

Can't put a sentence together.

Has a poor golf swing.




  1. an don't think there's democrats that is living off money .you better check Nancy policies record with oil stocks .

  2. Yeah, and Al freakin' "20,000 square foot mansion" Gore is the Messiah.

    What's your point?

  3. Why are they in denial? You'll always get a proportion of a population who are, shall we say, below par in terms of putting two and two together. Add to this the facts that fundamentalist religious groups ally themselves with right wing politics, the devolved state of science education, the popularity of the personality cult over merit, paranoia and a culture of equating violence against foreigners with patriotism - what else can you expect?

    Is it unpatriotic to admit to these things? As unpatriotic as stating that the world is not flat, the sky is blue, the ocean is wet, and milk comes from cows. - Some people will never be convinced no matter how obvious.

    Rebuttal for other answers:

    As for the daily misconceptions that confuse capitalism with democracy, socialism with communism, Marx with Hitler, Smith with Lenin - It used to make me laugh, but I just think it's sad now.

    Britain has a "socialist" labour government. Socialism is synonymous with democracy - people power - without this concept, the USA and its constitution wouldn't even exist. Pathetic finger pointing towards the WRONG examples and saying socialism doesn't work without understanding what it is, is truly sad. Europe's economy stagnant? :) A quick look at will show how the Euro's currency has dramatically increased in value over the past year, in comparison to all the failing economies - like America. :)

  4. ... For only ONE logical reason, they have been fooled by party politics, lies and propaganda and it's not YET apparent to them that their own economy has been plundered and their own pockets have been picked to pay for it.  

    While the Chinese cover US insolvency with short term loans and inflation figures are disguised, some Republicans are able to keep their heads buried in the sand.

    When their own jobs, savings, houses and cars are gone they will start jumping off buildings, by which time it will be too late and the doors of fascism will snap shut on them in a prison of their own making.

  5. Republicans are just doing the best they can to back him up right now because Obama is comparing him to McCain. The Reps got stuck with a poor candidate this year and they can't have anyone looking bad and, as common knowledge dictates, truth isn't a policy of neoconservatives.

  6. The thing is, a lot of us Americans look at other countries that have tried socialism and are not too impressed. We see Europe with it's largely stagnant growth over the last couple decades and double digit unemployment and we don't care to repeat the experiment here. We are also aware, after dealing with our own government, how srewed up government beurocracies are and don't really want them to take over more of the economy and ruin it.

    France for example has suffered slow growth high unemployment and riots as a result of it's socialist policies. In the wake of the government's failure to enact serious market reforms in the 1990s, France's economy has suffered significantly in comparison to the economies of its Western neighbors. Faced with chronic unemployment, lack of growth, and escalating social disorder, France elected conservative reformer Nicolas Sarkozy to the presidency in 2007. Immediate challenges will be to introduce new labor legislation and reform the tax code to make work pay.

  7. well first you gotta understand that denial is more than a mere state of mind, it is a way of life to some. bush could give them a terd and call it an apple and they's happily munch away on it.

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