
The richest country in europe ? is it Ireland?

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i think its ireland now but a friend says its some other country. tried to look it up in google but they only tell u about the past yrs. am d**n sure its ireland just not able to prove it. any help? any sites?




  1. probably monaco,its major source of income-casinos

  2. nope not IRE

  3. It is NOT FRANCE. The French have high unemployment rates and losers like For Butter or Worse have nothing else to do other than spend time on Yahoo spreading lies and falsehoods about Americans.

  4. England

  5. Luxembourg

  6. I know it seems hard to believe (as it is such a small country), but sources prove that Luxembourg is the richest nation in Europe. Ireland would fit in 3rd or 4th in the financial world, I believe. ♫♪

  7. OK.... I actually know what I'm talking about here ok?!

    The richest country in Europe is Germany.

    However, Ireland has one of the strongest economies in Europe. We have the second highest gross domestic product, Luxemburg have the highest GDP.

    There you go!

  8. Dollar figures are GDP

    1 Luxembourg $ 55,100

    2 Norway $ 37,800

    3 United States $ 37,800

    4 San Marino $ 34,600

    5 Switzerland $ 32,700

    6 Denmark $ 31,100

    7 Iceland $ 30,900

    8 Austria $ 30,000

    9 Canada $ 29,800

    10 Ireland $ 29,600

    11 Belgium $ 29,100

    12 Australia $ 29,000

    13 Netherlands $ 28,600

    14 Japan $ 28,200

    15 United Kingdom $ 27,700

    16 France $ 27,600

    17 Germany $ 27,600

    18 Finland $ 27,400

    19 Monaco $ 27,000

    20 Sweden $ 26,800

    Source: CIA World Factbook

  9. I thought it was Germany?  Where did I read that?

  10. Sorry to dissappoint but Luxembourg is the richest per capita in Europe, the top ten are as follows:

    1 Luxembourg

    2 Norway

    3 Ireland

    4 Iceland

    5 Denmark

    6 Austria

    7 Switzerland

    8 Belgium

    9 Finland

    10 Netherlands

    This ranking is from the IMF and are GDP (PPP) per capita.

    The CIA figures are flawed and are just not correct, both World Bank, IMF, OECD and EU figures are all more accurate.

    And Ireland is technically part of Europe, where did you get the idea it wasn't?

  11. There is not one correct answer. It highly depends by what criteria you measure the "richness" of a country. There are dozens of approaches. To give you some examples:

    You could measure the fortune per captia but also GNP or GDP per capita. But even if you decide for one figure you have to define how you compare the different currencies and purchasing power. (Simple example: In country A an apple costs 1 Euro in country B an apple costs 2 Euros. So what is the value of the apple? )

    Therefore dozens of different rankings exist. Of course most countries prefer rankings in which they get the best position.

    A good example is Luxembourg: They have a very high GNP per capita. Let’s discover why Luxembourg gets such a extraordinary result:

    Gross National Product (GNP) is the total value of all final goods and services produced by a country's factors of production and sold on the market. GNP per capita is GNP/number of inhabitants. Luxembourg is a tiny country. Therefore many people work in Luxembourg but life in France. So they contribute to the production but they do not count as inhabitants. Therefore the GNP per capita in Luxembourg is very high compared to other countries. But this does not mean that the people there are realy  richer. They just produce more  per habitant because they get extra help from France.

    To come back to Ireland:

    Ireland is certainly one of the leading countries in Europe. It shouldn't be a problem to find a ranking where Ireland is first. But why do you want to measure just the "monetary richness“? Shouldn't life quality or happiness of the population be considered too? You see this discussion could be continued forever.

  12. Ireland is not technically a part of Europe

  13. Switzerland I believe.

    Well, I thought it was. Check this out, but I'm sure there are always conflicting sources.

  14. i dont know:d i gues...

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