
The right career in scuba diving?

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I want to make my passion for scuba divig into a semi lucrative career- I am not looking to be rich just not starving. Would just being a divemaster and working by giving tours and also working in a scuba shop work? Or what about underwater archeology? Basically I don't know where to start? Please any scuba professionals , any advice would help.




  1. It will be alot easier in different places to have a career like this. I live in the Florida Keys and dive masters make pretty good money because the Florida Keys are made up of people that fish and dive.

  2. I wanted to become the same thing but i found out that I could not stay in the water for more than 15 minuets before getting sick. (Not the best thing in a scuba suit). But if your phicaly up to it than go for it. Trust your hart.

  3. Many resorts will provide you room and board if you are a Divemaster for them. To get a bit more cash flow then you will need to become an instructor. Many of those same resorts will also give you free training to advance your career. You need to talk with the individual resort to find out their benifits. There are also live aboards that you can look in to.

    Good luck with your new career

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