My brother's friend is offering me a chihuahua, and i want a dog really bad, but i'm not sure it's the right dog for me.
I'm 14 and i'm in school part of the day, and i'm not sure the dog will be okay the whole time alone. I'd be able to walk it 1-2 times a day, or just let it out to go to the bathroom. The size would be good though, i don't like big dogs. I love dogs that like to play around. I would love a dog that would snuggle with me at night as well. I have the patience to train a dog.
Based on that description would a chihuahua work for me? Can anybody make a suggestion on another type of dog that would work for me?
My friend has a puggle, and i would LOVE a puggle, would that work for me?
I would just like some help on picking a good breed for me.