
The rise of films, radio broadcasting, and the news media all helped to bring about?

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The rise of films, radio broadcasting, and the news media all helped to bring about

1. organized crime

2. a national culture

3. the Garvey movement

4. the Ku Klux Klan




  1. The answer is B a national culture.

  2. Ok, think it through.  The rise of films, radio broadcasting, and the news media happened in the early to mid-1900's.  Organized crime has been around for a looong time in one form or another; the KKK came about shortly after the Civil War in 1865-67; I'm assuming the Garvey Movement had something to do with Marcus Garvey?  That was around 1914-1920, and would have been overshadowed in the news by WWI.

    However, a national culture didn't really exist until the 1940s-60s...around the time that the media really started impacting things.  The media determined the music we listened to, the clothes we wore, the way we styled our hair, and what our houses looked like.  It even, in large part, determined people's religious beliefs, especially later on in the 70s, 80s, and 90s.

    When you get a question like this, which asks "what did this cause" or "what happened because of this", the first thing you want to do is look up each of the answers (either in your book or on Google) and find out the time that each came about.  If the cause was 50 years after the supposed effect, you know that answer can't be true.  If one of the answers is something that's been around for hundreds of years (like organized crime), it's likely that that's not true either.  Answer C is a bit more difficult - it was around the same time, but it was very limited and a major world crisis was going on at the same time.  

    When you can cancel out at least 2 of the answers, your answer becomes pretty clear.  Was the Garvey Movement *caused* by the advent of the media, or was a shift in our culture caused by it?

    Hope that helps :)

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