
The roof is on fire but the rest of the house doesn't burn.?

by  |  earlier

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I have had this dream twice. The first time was at a new apartment I was moving into and the roof fell in. The second time was at a house where I was helping with a party and the roof just burned up and disappeared.

I see the house as solid, but the roof is something changing in my life.

Any suggestions? Anyone have a dream like this?




  1. It means you have been listening to alot of Bloodhound Gang. Haha jk. No, you're nervous about living by yourself.

    I have not hada dream like this.

  2. i think the roof represents containment/oppression. the burning of the roof could symbolize freedom in your life. if you have ever seen the movie or read the memoir "running with scissors" the two characters tear down their roof because they felt it was oppressing them. that is how i would interpret the dream.

  3. The roof of a house represents protection, shelter and covering. This is where one is protected from the natural elements from the outside world such as the rain, scorching heat, storms, coldness etc. Without a roof a home will become a vulnerable place. As a matter of fact a home without a roof is not a home at all. Perhaps your dream means at this time you feel that you are vulnerable and that you don't feel as secure as you should be feeling. A new apartment represents a new place in your life a new beginning. This is where you grow and mature and have to stand on your own. This new beginning can bring with it several fears and concerns that you have about being responsibility fully for your own existence (not relying on parents or anyone anymore). Perhaps you are wondering if you will be able to make it on your own in terms of being able to secure your own independence such as paying the bills, taking care of the property. This dream could also represent the new found freedom and unrestrictiveness where you can do what you want. The second dream where you are at a party and the roof burnt means that you are looking up towards new horizons, new places and adventure. Imagine being in a house without any roof and being able to feel and take in the natural environment and being able to look at the sky comfortably.

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