
The rotating dial of my dial phone, wont go back into the starting position, help?

by  |  earlier

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i bought a restored rotating dial phone, but the actual dial doesnt rotate back to the starting position unaided, like its suppost to.

Its stiff or something.

Can someone help explain whats wrong or how to fix it?




  1. take it off.  it probably needs some serious cleaning.  good luck.

  2. gh

  3. inside the dial..there are prongs for every number..usually one of the prongs wont slot back into its home can take apart and fix easy..easy to put together again..if prong is broke..its none for...

  4. It depends on the manufacturer of the telephone.  More than likely your dial is dirty due to accumulated dust and gunk.  Do not spray WD40 or any other lubricant because this is what has caused the dust and gunk to clog up the gears (there are no prongs).

    Remove the dial making note of where the wires connect to, and soak the entire dial in mineral spirits (varsol, turpentine, solvent etc) for about a day shaking the container every now an then to loosen the dirt.  An old toothbrush can assist in cleaning the gears and other parts.  Remove the dial and let it dry completely.  The only parts that are supposed to be lubricated are where the spindals (axle) of the gears meet the housing of the dial.  These should be sparingly lubricated using a precision or pin oiler (a tooth pick dipped in oil and then dropped on the spindal/housing location can work).

    Replace your dial and all should be fine.


  6. take it back if it has a warrenty... thats all i can think of, or WD40 the wheel that turns

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