
The route to becoming a Film Producer?

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I am very interested in persuing a career as a Film Producer, although I am alittle in the dark about how you actually get there.

There is a few key points that I need help with..

1) I am female, Film production seems to be a male lead industry, why is this? To be honest, any answer to this question is not going to discourage me, but it was just a point I was pondering.

2) I am 17, just starting the final year of my A levels. Even at 18 I am probably too young to move to LA/British Columbia (from Britian) to persue a internship(if I would even get one)/work experience.

3) What is the conventional route for an aspiring Film Producer?

4) Would it be advisable for me to go to University to get a BA/BSc?

5) If it is advisable for me to go to Uni, which UK universities/courses would be most suitable?

6) If it is advisable for me to go to Uni, what companies would give me an internship/work experience?

Thankyou, Nicole.




  1. actually i want to be a film producer too, i'm the same age as you and i'm going to the VFS vancouver film school its the best film school in canada is the top 5 in the world its very expensive but its worth it if you dream is to really producer and direct movies. one thing i will say that everyone tells me is to have a back up plan so currently i am taking legal administration courses inorder to get a job and have a back up plan being a movie produecer is a hard industry to get into especailly because everyone wants to be one, universal and fox actaually all the hollywood producer will take interns you just have to call around and ask, good luck to you dear.!

  2. 1) The simple answer is that because production is a position of power, and female were typically not allowed to have positions of power until early last century.  Even after gaining the right, it takes time to build up a cadre of women in a field.  Men are generally richer and generally have more connections.

    3) There IS no conventional route, actually.  Most U.S. film producers I can think of have a degree, but they get their degrees in all kinds of fields.  Judd Apatow and George Lucas both went to the University of Southern California's famed school of cinematic arts, although Apatow dropped out.  Apatow majored in screenwriting and Lucas studied cinema.  Jerry Bruckheimer majored in psychology.  J.J. Abrams went to Sarah Lawrence College.  Tyler Perry dropped out of high school at 16.  Hayao Miyazaki majored in political science.

    4) The basic idea is that you can study anything.  A bachelor's degree will be advisable, but internships are the most important thing.  Most producers got their start either in screenwriting or being a production assistant and worked their way up.

    Don't know of any UK schools that are good for that, just that the University of Southern California is the best place in the U.S. go to for it.  And many filmmaking companies will give you an internship as a production assistant.

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