
The royal family do you love them or loathe them??

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the great britain royal family




  1. loathe the lazy lot of them living off the backs of hard working tax payers

  2. I don't like them.  I can not understand why we still have them.  We call ourselves a democracy but we don't have an elected head of state.  I think that is crazy

  3. Don't care one way or the other - I'm in the U.S.

    Prince William sure is cute though - looks so much like his mom (who I loved).

  4. I hate them, biggest bunch of freeloaders ive ever had the misfortune to know. waste of money.

  5. you gotta love 'em!

  6. Never meet them.

  7. i'm god...

    i pooped them out like the rest of the families on earth.

    (I don't know enough about them to say.)

  8. there ok i guess. in a way i kinda feel sorry for them.

  9. Love the Queen don't like charles or his wife Camzilla and charleszilla

  10. i love to loathe them - they are very entertaining but wouldnt like one as a relative

  11. Indifferent

  12. Loathe them and the stupid people who have been brain washed in liking them.

  13. Cant stand the parasites.should be executed as soon as possible. OFF WITH THEIR HEADS.

  14. Could care less!~

  15. They're a sad remnant of a brutal empire...

  16. love em....

    the best argument in favour of the monarchy?

    consider a President Thatcher or President Blair!"!

  17. Neither.

  18. I think somewhere in the middle of those two extreme statements would be about right.  I have great respect for the Queen who made an Oath on her coronation that she would serve all her subjects and that she has done for more than 50 years....I have no respect for the Younger Royals or the Hangers depends on what you call the Royal family.

  19. Don't really care.

  20. they are fine i visited sandringham last year and had a great time

    leave them alone

  21. I am indifferent to them

    but find them fascinating,  from the point off view

    how they are so remote from us, and they are so in to their selves.

  22. What royal family??

    The Thai Royal family??

    The English Royal Family??

    The Danish Royal Family??

    The Jordanian Royal Family??

    The Saudi Royal Family??

    Who?Who Who??

  23. I don't love them and I don't loathe them, so I guess that would make me neutral or indifferent.

  24. as people, i'm sure they're ok, but as an institution, the monarchy costs far more than it's worth.   every day they cost thousands of pounds for the maintenance of their transport alone...keeping cars, boats planes helicopters just staffed, serviced and ready to go.  there's no real reason for them any more, politically.   they're an expensive to maintain tourist attraction.   and before someone says 'they do work for charity' what about the thousands of people who volunteer for charity in their freetime, whilst still holding down paid work.   the queen encouraged londoners to open their doors to the homeless at christmas...did she lead by example and open a wing or two of buckingham?   if she did, then i reverse my entire opinion and will found the fan club!

  25. i respect them - they can't retire from their position, they have to work til their dying day, literally. I think they're important to this country, totally underrated.

  26. Im not sure which royal family youre talking about. If its the British LOVE them! If its the Tongan loathe them

  27. Love them - it brings people together!

  28. The royal family is the luckest welfare family in the world.  They are way better off then most welfare recipients.  

    I think the royal family is rather pointless in this day and age.

  29. Indifferent.

    They still serve a purpose, so they can stay.

  30. Love them.

  31. Love them

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