
The samenella in tomatoes , can some one please tell me if it is on the outside of the tomatoe or inside?

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The gove has not said and I cannot see how it would be inside of a tomatoe. I have raised them for years




  1. It is on the outside; salmonella is on the skin.

    Consumers everywhere are advised to:

    Refrigerate within 2 hours or discard cut, peeled, or cooked tomatoes.

    Avoid purchasing bruised or damaged tomatoes and discard any that appear spoiled.

    Thoroughly wash all tomatoes under running water.

    Keep tomatoes that will be consumed raw separate from raw meats, raw seafood, and raw produce items.

    Wash cutting boards, dishes, utensils, and counter tops with hot water and soap when switching between types of food products.

  2. I was watching an educational cooking show on TV yesterday and they were saying that as long as you wash your vegetables well, we should not get salmonella, therefore I assume it is on the outside.

  3. The salmonella is inside of the tomatoes.  No amount of washing will destroy what's inside the vegetable.  Tomatoes you raise yourself are OK.  The tomatoes got the salmonella from the soil they were grown in.

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