
The saudi telphone company construt or built a big tower for comunication with microwave antana behind my home

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what to do they are saying that no problem but i think there are alot of problem what to do?




  1. Microwaves can be dangerous if you are too close but the danger is only that it will heat up parts that don't get much circulation like the eyes and testicles.  They use that much power on naval ships which is what I am familiar with but it is unlikely that antenna would be harmful unless you sat on it.  It is probably highly directional and would have very low emissions near you.  If it were in the US, I wouldn't have any concerns at all.  Still, I think you are more likely to get hit by a truck than harmed by the microwaves.  They don't have any effect on DNA or proteins at low levels and in spite of lawyers nonsense to the contrary, are perfectly harmless at low levels.

  2. Don't worry, there is no problem, just check to make sure it is a microwave antena. If it is painted red and white and has blinking lights on it then it will be fine but if it looks a bit suspicious then find some americans and notify them, i really don't know.

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