
The scent of Diesel fuel vs. Regular Unleaded?

by  |  earlier

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I had bought 10 gallons of diesel fuel to kill the many unwanted bushes, shrubs, etc. that grow in my yard. I did use only part (2 gallons?) of this amount for this purpose. - Those treees are all dead.

NOW, I have the remaining 8 gallons in gasoline cans inside my garage.

I have no deisel engines - I do have many push mowers that use either Unleaded or Regular grade fuels.

I did fill the remaining two gallon cans with Unleaded fuel over the weekend.

Now I need to fill my lawn mowers' gas tanks. How (by scent) am I supposed to tell the difference between Deisel fuel and Unleaded fuel?




  1. diesel is heavy greasy,,oily...gas is thin,clean,more powerful smell..pore some into glass containers [glasses]  u can see the differnce side by side

  2. Set up a stand outside your house and sell it for $4.75/gallon.  Around here, it's $5 or more.  It'll be gone in an hour.  Throw in a cup of lemonade just for the heck of it -- good marketing.

  3. Dude You should put diesel in a yellow can. But it is to late now. Diesel fuel has die in it so it has a purple tinge to it.

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