
The school put my daughter on the wrong school bus?

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First day of school and I know things are kind of hectic, but she is in first grade, shouldn't they have been a little more cautious to make sure she got on the right bus. They even wrote the wrong bus # on her bus sticker on her book bag, when they knew the right bus she was supposed to go on.

They called all the drivers and they said she wasn't on any of them. After over an hour, a driver called in and said she was on his bus and I had to drive to the bus to pick her up. I had never been so scared in my life.

Now I know the first day of school is always hectic, but do I have a right to be so upset? And what can I do about it?

I have already told her to check her bus # every day before she gets on it.




  1. You do have a right to be upset just as the person who put the wrong bus number on her bus sticker has the right to make a mistake.  The driver did call you and your daughter was safe, and that is what counts.  Politely make the school aware of the mistake but let it go at that.

    On a positive note your daughter will always be aware of what bus she is riding.

  2. You absolutely have the right to be upset! I know I would. Unfortunately, human error happens and nobody intentionally

    put her on the wrong bus. It, unfortunately, just happened. Ultimately, having her check her bus number each day is a good way to teach her responsibility. I would definitely go and talk to whoever is the bus monitor and her teacher to let them know what happened.

  3. Dam right you should be upset,call the school district if she;s in public school.everybody got a boss.Call the news reporter this shouldn't have happen.thank God nothing happen!

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