
The science of men and women's faces - interesting!?

by Guest55919  |  earlier

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I discovered this website that can transform your uploaded photo into various things, and one being you can change the s*x of your face.

I saw a question on here about what does make a face look male or female? And I think this website probably has the answers.

I was amazed when I clicked 'masculinize' on my photo - I couldn't believe how it transformed me from very feminine woman face to a guy.

And I was quite a s**y hunk ! haha

Anyone else find it really makes you look like another gender?




  1. i tried it.

    its fun...

    im an adorable baby...

    a cute kid...

    not bad looking as a teen..

    im kinda cute as a black woman..

    i look like a chubby little asian woman..cute though

    im d**n fine as a botticelli

    im horrid looking as a man..seriously...

    im so cute as a manga cartoon!

    and uh the others...uh dont remember!

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