
The science teacher said that coal over time turns to diamond, and that lead turns into gold, is this true?

by Guest33556  |  earlier

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Gold is of greater density than lead, what is the greater density? mercury?




  1. both coal & diamands are carbon and IN THEORY with enough time and pressure coal could become diamonds just as in time with pressure peat becomes coal...

    Now lead & gold are different molules so no can do - though with enough time the very expensive uranium thought atomic decay can turn to lead......

  2. Coal changes to a diamond - sort of

    Lead turns into gold - no, their molecular structures are different.

    It is not the density  but the construction of the molecules.  Both coal and diamonds are made of carbon.  

    Both lead and gold are elements so they are different.

  3. Coal doesn't just turn into diamond, and there's no way that lead can turn into gold.  Alchemists in past centuries believed this, and spent whole lifetimes trying to find methods to turn lead into gold.

    Coal and diamond are both made of carbon.  The difference is the structure of the atoms;  diamonds have a very strong arrangement of atoms, whereas coal is the opposite.  Carbon or coal bearing materials that are exposed to very high pressures and relatively low temperatures have the possibility of forming diamonds, but this doesn't mean that ALL coal or carbonaceous material will form a diamond.

    I'd be rich otherwise. :)

  4. This is completely false.  Diamonds are not associated with coal beds.  Lead does not turn into gold.

    I cannot believe that your science teacher told you that lead can turn into gold.  That was the goal of the alchemists in the Middle Ages, but it never happened.

  5. it is possible that coal in its purest form could if under enough heat and pressure might form a diamond but i feel that it's impossible for lead to transmute into gold. lead is a stable mineral and would not lose or gain an electron or proton and neutron. so the first one far fetched but possible and the second one no way Jose. i think maybe teacher is having a laugh at your expense.

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