
The settings and files on my computer are all deleted all of a sudden. It's like my whole computer's changed?!

by  |  earlier

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I was using my computer today. I switched it off after using and when I switched it on again I can't find any of my files or even my settings!!! The whole of the files, including all the movies, all the music, and completely all of my files are gone!!! The settings are completely changed (Eg: Ia had my home page as, it's now!!!!) No one touched my computer certainly and couldn't have done that! The settings are all changed and gone. when I started it, it's like all the applications (realplayer etc) are opened for the first time?!

The settings and files changed and a lot of desktop icons are gone, it's like the whole computer's changed?!!?!

Another thing to clarify, my computer is on the LAN. A few seconds before shutting it down in the morning, I had a warning saying "IP address conflict." I know there are several computers working at that time, but could this have had any impact on what happened?

I tried system restore almost 15 times today to lots of checkpoints but I have only a message saying "the restoration is incomplete"

I have tried a lot of times to do system restore but it doesn't work. someone please help me!!!

A note: please be elaborate in your answer and explain it with a bit of detail as I don't have a lot of knowledge about these things!!!!!

Any help will be useful and will be thanked !!!




  1. I had this problem before. It sounds like a virus. I had to get a new tower after it happened but there were a few other problems with mine. Have it checked out immediately if you want to save it.

  2. you have a big bad virus somone took all your info and everything

    i suggest getting trend micros pc chillin wich will kill the virus and protect you from future attacks.  also i suggest when you get your computer back on track virus scan every 2 days  

  3. Try booting to safe mode and then run system restore.


  4. You neglected to mention your O/S, so I'm going to assume windows XP.

    My first guess is that you booted to a different log-in.  Try restarting the computer and if there are multiple logins, try picking a different one and see if your settings come back (this allows multiple users to have custom setups on the same machine).

    Otherwise Windows may have simply eaten itself (MS products are well known for doing this - and they have an uncanny ability to know when they are needed the most, and thats when they will fail).

    Since you cannot restore (which might be caused by a virus or some other malicious program), then you only have a couple of other options:

    1) Format and reload.  (You can try backing up your files and stuff, but make sure to scan all of your data to make sure you aren't wasting your time reloading only to put infected data back on the drive again).

    2) Download or buy a virus scan (avoid norton/mccaffee etc. which love to install two tons of garbage on your machine), instead - try AVG, or another freeware virus scan - if it detects something, then search online for a prog or instructions for removing that specific software.

    Good luck!!

  5. You MUST be using Windows Vista or XP or something....

    I use Ubuntu, and I can pull the power cord out halfway through downloading updates and copying files with no real problems. Just turn it on and go - works every time!

    If you download a Ubuntu liveCD disk, you can browse your windows partitions and copy all your files, write them to CD, access internet and do anything else you want to do - including the option to install Ubuntu as a dual boot option! Amazing.

  6. IP Address Conflict means that something else with your address got onto the network. Either its address has been set manually, or your address lease wasn't renewed for some reason.

    You might be having a network problem.

    It sounds like your profile was either corrupted or it was stored on a server and you can't get to it because of the network outage.

    Go to C:\Documents and Settings and look for your ID.

    If you see one with your ID and a new one with your ID and something appended to it, you should still be able to find your stuff in the old folder.

    You might need to repair your network connection.

    The fastest way for me to type it is this:

    Start / Run / Type: "CMD" in to the RUN box and hit <ENTER>

    Type "ipconfig /release <enter>"

    Then type "ipconfig /renew <enter>"

    You should get an new IP. When you off and log back on again. You might see your stuff.

    You said it was on a LAN. Were you using roaming profiles? It could be that you can't get to your profile because of the IP address conflict or another network related problem. See if you can get to any other computer's on your network.

    If your profile was stored on a server, you may not be able to reach it so Windows created a new default local profile.

    The more system restore type of stuff you do the more likely you are to do some permanent damage where your configuration will be harder to fix.

    I really need more information. E-mail me if you still have questions. I might be able to help more.

    Good luck.

  7. I think that you have several users in your PC .

    try to find your user name in the directory C:\Documents and Settings

  8. It sounds like you were infected with something and when you started your computer,it started with it and did it's damage.The first thing is to turn off system restore if you can,you can start it again later.Click start,then run,type in msconfig and click ok.Go to startup and uncheck everything but your anti-virus and firewall.Click apply and then ok,it will ask you to restart,do that.When it starts again,when you see your screen come up,press F8,follow the directions and use safe mode.When you get on your desktop screen everything will be big,that's ok, it's supposed to be.Then run FULL scans with your anti-virus,your anti-spyware, and whatever else you have.When they're finished,restart your computer,a box will come up,put a check in the lower left corner and click ok.Things should be better after that,then turn on system restore again if everything seems to be fine.

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