
The shape of Ireland seems opposite that of UK; was it part of it?

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The shape of Ireland seems opposite that of UK; was it part of it?




  1. yes it was, i mean look at the coasts of south america and africa, they are very similar too, every landmass we see today used to belong to one giant one many millions of years ago called pangea, and they all broke apart creating coastlines with 'twins' on the other side of the world.

  2. Yeah we all got together and pushed it off a long time ago, now if we could all get motivated to do the same with Wales and Scotland we might start getting somewhere!

  3. Yes the world was joined at one time, so they say. Maybe that's why they believed the world was flat??

  4. yeah it was, but then drifted apart when plates moved. it is still moving apart out into the Atlantic so next thing u know we'll be sailing up into Manhattan

  5. southern  Ireland is belonging to Ireland,and /England  own,s nor then  Ireland but i think England, should,NT own . it. but i think the Irish. people should make this decision

  6. everywhere was joined togeter at the biggining...supposidly....i wasnt there! lol x

  7. Hello,

                Yes it was and I am so pleased that it isn't anymore, for I am so very proud of my Irish ancestry, and I saw an item on this point about land movement about 2 or3 weeks ago on the discovery channel, well worth the time spent looking at my homeland breaking itself away to be seperated from what was later to become a great big thorn in the sides of most Irish people....... Tony M......

  8. Yes Ireland broke away wanting its independance many years ago but never seem to get it even today the British Government still want to rule Ireland, they love us so much.  On a more serious note Britain and Ireland were one many thousands years ago and through quakes and land movement it finally broke apart as we speak the earths plates are still moving away other countries round the world are the same

  9. Ireland was part of the larger Euro Asian land mass right up to fairly recently in Earth time zones, I cant give you the date, but it was 4 or 5000 years ago + when the Ice sheet melted and the sea level rose.

    If you look at the contienental shelf maps you will see that all of St Georges Channel, The Irish Sea are quite shallow the same as the English Channel and The North Sea. Quite often when you are sailing these areas some of the sandbanks become visable at very low tides.

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