
The shortest day of the year...?

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Today is the winter solstice, in Brisbane, AND it's a Saturday, AND I don't have to work.....Why have the shortest day on my day you think that's fair?? Why not have it on a work day?




  1. Here in North America tomorow is the summer solstace, the longest day of the year. It just happens to be on a Saturday and I won't be working either. Nothing is perfect though. I hurt my foot and I won't be getting around much.

  2. It's not that short. It's not like the day is 12 hours long now or something.

  3. Tomorrow is our LONGEST day of the year, the beginning of summer, 110F and all outside, but we won't have our winter solstice til Dec 21.  I have to think about that for a while.  It's kinda cool.  Reminds me of that movie "The Endless Summer".  THAT Would be kewl ... following the summer all across the planet all the time.  Wanna join me?  

    Cheer up and tell your boss that you want December 21st OFF since that will be the LONGEST day of the year for you.  The cool thing for you to look forward to is that every day from here on will be just a little bit longer by a minute or so.  Soon it will be light at 8 or 9pm at night.



  4. Because their so cheep.

  5. How cold does it get down there? It's like 90 degrees here every day.

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