
The sims 2 castaway ds?

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im on the 3rd island where do i get the mangos for ms weeder




  1. When you wake up at your shelter, fill up your stats first, and pick up a

    coconut. Hopefully you haven't used the twigs from last time's adventure,

    because you'll be needing it for this time. Remember the thick vines that

    hung like a tapestry? Well, it's time to chop it down. Go all the way to

    the end of the path and tap on the tapestry. You should see another

    new option called "Remove". Tap on the option and your sim should

    automatically start hacking away at the growth. This will open up a new

    area. Tap on the arrow.

    Well, what do we have here? Another castaway. This one's called Ms.

    Weeder. Be a good and kind citizen - cough - I mean fellow

    castaway and offer your help to her. She wants to revive the banana

    plant close to her shelter, and needs your help. Feeling like the

    Island Superman/Supergirl/Batman/Batwoman/Hero/... now, eh?

    At this, you'll receive another template - this time for a water

    carrier that acts like a watering can. If you like, you can hang around a

    bit and you'll see... Ms. Weeder whipping out a watering can and watering

    her plots of plants. Oh, the irony. Anyway, you should see the poor neglected

    plant. It's to the left of her shelter. Tap on it, and examine it to confirm

    it's the banana plant. Now, see the arrow next to the banana plant? Tap that

    to go to the next area and... voila! What do you have? A sparkling pure water

    pool with running water and COCONUTS! Ah, paradise! Just to let you know,

    this pool restores THE highest hygiene I've ever seen so far, so you might

    want to keep your map out and tap there for the quickest way to get to keep

    your hygiene up... Check out the stone at the northern part of the screen,

    and you'll acquire the ability to make a grappling hook. Remember the

    anchor you got? Once you get the rope template (refer to the FAQ section),

    you'll be able to craft a grappling hook, and yet again another area

    comes up.

    That area, once you climb up, doesn't really have much to it. Just a

    coconut tree and a tuning fork. There's also a funny little stick there,

    and the description reads something involving a rescue team. Hmm, is that

    a hint?

    Head back to the crafting rock via map. Tap on it, and you'll see a funny

    looking halved coconut on a stick. That, my friend, is your water carrier.

    Craft it out of small sticks and a coconut, and fill it up at the closest

    FRESHWATER stream/pond/pool. Sea water doesn't work. Now go back to the

    banana plant and water it, doing so every day, until it finally yields and

    gives fruit. Shake the banana off the tree and hand it over to Ms. Weeder.

    That's one quest done.

    Head over to Chef Butcher's area (elaborated in the next section) and

    finish his chilli and Peach Quest. Once you're done, go back to Ms.

    Weeder and offer help to her again.

    This time, she'll complain about her plants dying and needing a cure.

    Oh, goodie, time to be Superman again.

    Trek back to Dr. Feelgood (hopefully, you've kept up a good relationship)

    and tap on her. Tap the option "Ask for help" and you'll explain to her what

    Ms. Weeder needs. Dr. Feelgood will then agree to help you out, but she needs

    some bugs. Crushed bugs. You should have most of them, but there's a slightly

    tricky coloured bug you need to get. That's the blue bug.

    Head to any bug hunting rock and you'll be required to

    squish ALL THE PRESENT BUGS before the blue bugs crawl out. Smash them up to,

    and take it back Dr. Feelgood. Now she'll ask for three different fish:

    salmon, black carp and cowcod. The first two originate from the lake;

    the cowcod comes from the ocean. Once you've got them, head back to the

    doctor and give it all to her. She'll give you a green cure in return.

    Trek back to Ms. Weeder and give her the cure. You'll receive the shovel

    handle and the shovel head. Go to the crafting block and craft a shovel.

    One thing I need to clarify here - the green cure for Ms. Weeder is the

    one with the TEST TUBE. It's called Plant Nutrients, if my memory serves

    me correctly. It's different from the one that Dr. Feelgood has on offer

    (the one in a green, round-bottomed flask), so bear that in mind,


    Once you've done with these two quests, DON'T OFFER HELP TO HER YET. You need

    to complete another quest to get what she wants for another person. Instead,

    head to the far right of the screen and explore. There, you'll see another

    coconut tree and two bushes - one large and tall, and the other short and

    small. Forage them both to find yams and vines. Vines are essential to make

    rope AND to craft your new shelter, so I suggest checking back on this area

    frequently to grab some new materials.

    Continue right to find a cave. Sparkly, isn't it? You'll see a skeleton

    wearing a pirate's hat. Creepy. Don't worry, it won't suddenly spring back

    to life and scare the c**p out of you. Take it's pirate hat and if you want,

    feel free to converse with the guy. You'll gain social points for that, quite


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