
The sixth sense?

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no...not the movie im tlkin bout the other sense besides hearing tasting etc. now my questions are does it exist? if so then what does it do? why do SOME people have it? if it has any "powers"? and why is there a sixth sense?




  1. My grandmother on my father's side had it, she was full blooded Native American.  As a small child I would sit with her and we had many long talks.

    When I realized I had it I never told anyone for being made to look like a fool.  As I aged and started telling people I knew certain things were going to happen and to who they started to believe me.

    To this day I still have that "sixth" sense.  I can walk into somewhere and my eyes turn immediately to someone that gives off an aura.  I can tell when someone is lying, I can tell when they are deeply hurt within themselves.  

    I have only used this power given to me by God on a few serious occasions, one was saving my nephew, one was going to the hospital to visit my aunt who was dying and we were not speaking and I asked her forgiveness and she squeezed my hand and died.  I can name others but I truly do not like talking about it.

    Sometimes our hearts are our ears

  2. The brain is the sixth sense as taught by The Buddha.  It is a sensory organ just like the others and has no special powers beyond physical functioning.  Power comes from the formless of form not form itself, which the mind/brain and other senses deal with.  That is why it is traditionally taught to transcend the senses including the mind because it is subject to the limitations of form (the reason why there are so many questions).

  3. it does exist. but we humans only use a small portion of our mind. we have powers but we dont know about them cause the rest of the brain is hard to get to

  4. I think that the 6th sense - is really a mix of EXPERIENCE, INTUITION and relying heavily on the other 5.

  5. I agree with the guy with the hat.

  6. Well I know animals have a sixth sense, like knowing when an earthquake will hit. Some claim they know when someone is watching them, and say it is a sixth sense. I watched a movie on this (I think it was on discovery channel) and they ran a bunch of tests that proved it false. The subjects were not able to tell 100% of the time when someone was staring at them. Also in the same movie, one person said that when someone is looking at a picture, they can feel their emotions. This was also proved false after running some tests.

    Also, I don't know if you ever heard about the link between twins. Sometimes, when one twin is in pain, the other feels it. They share the same brain waves, so they can feel the same emotions. Neat, huh?

    The person who replied before me mentioned synesthesia, which can in a way be considered a sixth sense. It's a really rare condition. It happens when two or more senses cross over in the brain. The most common type is grapheme-color synesthesia where numbers and letters have colors or textures. I know someone with this disorder, and he said that it is truly a wonderful experience. I sometimes wish I had it, it sounds really interesting.

  7. I do believe some people have it.  Call it a sixth sense, call it intuition, call it whatever you want, but it does exist.  My dad is a person who knows when something going on in any one of kids' (and there are 6 of us) lives and will undoubtedly call you before you call him to tell him!  I have some experiences of knowing things before they happen.  I think most everyone has it, some just are more tuned into it than others.

  8. Everyone has a sixth sense, some just know how to access it better.

  9. i dont know if its real or not..but i think ghosties just chose to show to certain people and not others

  10. I honestly believe that EVERYONE has it! It's what some might call, "intuition" or "a funny feeling"...  It's something inside of you that alerts you of bad and sometimes even good.  Most people don't pay the "feeling" any attention!

  11. survival instinct developed over years of evolution - those who believe in creation don't have it.

  12. I knew you were going to ask this question.....

  13. Yes, it does exist. It is the ability and power to see, hear, and talk to ghosts. My friend has this power, no lie. Only some people are born with it or somehow develop it. It's pretty complicated.

    ordinary people who see and feel things the rest of us don't. They have a rare brain condition called synesthesia in which some of the senses - usually quite distinct - involuntarily fuse together, creating almost literally a sixth sense. Music is not only heard, it's seen and felt; words can have flavors and flavors can have color.
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