
The small intestine exists as a series of folds and coils. What might be the advantage of such a configuration

by Guest61075  |  earlier

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The small intestine exists as a series of folds and coils. What might be the advantage of such a configuration




  1. Increased surface area for efficient absorbtion of food!

  2. Small intestine is the place where most of the digestion takes place, the numerous folds retards passage of food along the first part of small intestine ( duodenum ) to ensure digestion of food by the enzymes in the intestinal juices whereas the fold in later part of small intestine (ileum) provides increased surface for absorption of digested food.

  3. Increase surface area.

    Stimulate mixing during passage.

  4. First, small amounts of food must go through all the "coils" to be exposed to bacteria and acids to achieve maximum break down.  The folds and coils allows this to happen in a small space.  Once the small intestine has done its job in compacting everything, then the matter can move into the large intestine/colon.  Keep in mind the large intestine only consists of the descending colon, transcending colon, ascending colon and then moves to the sigmoid.  This part of your digestive system is not very long and its main purpose is to absorb all possible water/nutrients and prepare for release of waste.  The breakdown of all food/liquid intake has already occurred in the small intestine.

  5. Increases the total surface area for absorption of nutrients to increase the overall efficiency of the digestive system.

  6. I would have to say that there are two main advantages.  The folds and coils allow for more surface area and more length.  It's much better to have a longer colon that is all twisted up because the job of the intestines is to absorb nutrients and water.  The longer the food has to travel down the pipe the more chances your body has to get the most benefit out of it.  If you had a straight colon it would only be about 1 meter long and it wouldn't be able to absorb much.  Because our intestines are twisted and coiled they are many meters long.  The extra length lends itself to more surface area, which in the end is what it's all about... contact between digested food and the walls of the intestines.

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