
The smart way to make money?

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the best way to invest . ?




  1. That is the one question people ask all the time.

    Best thing to do is to first with an independent financial advisor to determine which type of investment will work best for you.

    - jim

  2. Mutual funds

  3. hi

    try out some sites where you carry

    out survey for money

    some where you click ads for money

    and some where you get mails to

    read for money

    all the best

  4. How much education, discipline and will power do you have to work?

    One thing all people who made it have in common, they worked and didn't spend their money.

    They didn't splurge, party, consume, get distracted or lived above their means.

    Find out what you like and what you are good at, set goals and be single minded. 16 hours work, 8 hours sleep, 7 days a week for 10 years and you will make it.

  5. Investing is about information. Current, reliable, recent and up to date information. Obtaining it, checking the facts and leveraging them.

    As to the smartest way to make money, here are two no brains required rules of thumb:

    1. Find a need and fill it.

    2. Be the best at what you do.

    You could be a plumber of a bread baker, heck, if you are the best, people will literally fight their way to your door so they can buy from you.

    The rest is how you apply this to your own view of the world, which makes it personal and subjective. In this respect, whatever you come up with goes, because from your own point of view, you are always right until proven wrong by results and events.

  6. Domain names. Its a way to invest that most people are not aware of yet but its kind of like oil. You wish you had bought alot when it was still cheap....same thing with domains. Theres only so many domains out there.  3 letter domains (example: sell for at least $3,000 each. 4 years ago you could have bought them for $7 each. has a few bids on right now and the price is at $10,000. There's no stock in the world that has this kind of growth. In November of last year I bought about 15 four-letter domain names for $9 each. I could sell them all right now for a minimum of $40 each.Somebody else bought them all up so that increased the value. That person bought about 2000 of imagine the profit that guy could make now...or even 2 years from now. Here's a list of domains that have sold for over a million dollars each

  7. invest in stock wisely. Buy stock. When buying stocks, you need to understand a lot of things. First you need to know what is stock.

    Stock represents an ownership in a company.

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