
The song "Galway Girl"???

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Who is the singer??

Is Steve Earle??

Or is Mundy??

And I can't find the song version by Mundy no live...I only find it live...

But now in the radios which is the frequent version???Earle or Mundy?




  1. here is steve earl's version

    here is mundy's version

    sharon shannon plays on both here.

  2. i cant actually remember hwo sings the orginal but the newer version i susng by gerard butler..its was from the movie ps i love you

  3.   It's Steve Earle on one of his newer CD's

  4. Sorry,

    Don't know

  5. sharon shannon and mundy were the originals anyway

    mundy is the one played frequently on the radio

  6. Both are the singers. Earle released it in 2000 on transcedental blues or somethin like that, mundy's version is the newer one, and I don't know where you can get a version that's not live, hope that helped a bit :)

  7. its mundy and sharron shannon they play at my local radio station

  8. That song is one of the most annoying songs ever recorded. Sounds like the fella in the song would pull any old blue-eyed, black-haired tart.

  9. It is a Steve Earle song, but you are thinking of Mundy

  10. Ders a fw versions-mundy is d best 1

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