
The specific heat of water helps explain how large bodies of water help ________?

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A. increase the temperature of surrounding land areas.

B. moderate the temperatures of surrounding land areas.

C. decrease the temperature of surrounding land areas.

D. improve the quality of the drinking water.




  1. The answer is "B"

  2. A

  3. The answer is 'B'.

    As the specific heat of water is more,water requires more heat for raising its temperature than soil.Therefore a sea or water surface gets less heated than land.The interior of a land mass is being subjected to extremes of heat and cold as the specific heat of land is less.But this is not the case of a landmass near a large water surface.The water surface does not allow the land to experience these  extremes  of heat and cold.So, it moderates the temperatures of the adjoining land areas.

  4. The answer is most certainly [B].

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