
The squirrels have taken over my bird feeder?

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There is like about 8 of them on there every day. I really don't have any tree branches, where I could just hang the feeder, so they could not climb up on it. My hubby suggested trapping and releasing them elswhere, but I don't really want to do that in case they still have babies in their nests.

Do you have any suggestions?




  1. Once they start they are hard to stop.  I finally hung mine with a piece of nylon fish line from a high limb way out on the end of the limb where they couldn't jump across from the tree trunk, I tried wire but they just slid down it like a slide.

  2. if u go 2 a pet store they will have some that they cant get into.

  3. I would say shoot them with a low powered gun or pellet gun. They breed like rats and it is not like they are endangered species in any way. Once the group sees Fluffy being shot they will back away.

    Trapping them is an idea as well, but more difficult.

  4. If the bird feeder is mounted on a post you can coat the post in vaseline so they have trouble climbing up onto it.  If you have that many squirrels already you may just have to bring the bird feeder down for awhile until the squirrels move on to other food sources.

  5. You can buy squirrel repellent, its pacifically for bird feeders, you can get it in ACE, Lowes, K mart,and Walmart its about $6.00 it works grate I just bout it  :)

  6. You could buy feeders with anti-squirrel baffles, but squirrels are smart, and very persistant.

    The best way to keep the squirrels out of the feeders, is to provide them with their own food.  They have to eat, too.  As long as there is a single accessible food source - they will use it.

    Squirrels don't need to be the enemy.  Relocating or killing them won't make them go away.  Kill one, and another will take it's place in a matter of days.  

    Personally, I love the squirrels and I find them to be very amusing.   One used to jump onto my hanging suet feeder in the winter, and spin around like it was a carnival ride.

    I suggest that you feed the squirrels away from the birds.  Try corn cobs.  They can be hung from trees, so you can have your own spinning squirrels, or they also come with spikes, so you can spear them to trees.   Not as amusing, but the squirrels love them.

  7. cut a peace of tin and put it about a foot above the feeder on the anger, you have to cut a slit in it and after doing that cut it round but biger than the feeder. pulling the slit toward each other and puting one s***w in to hol it together will give it a concave shap that will make the little xxxxxxxs slide off! good luck

  8. Get a good recipe for squirrel

    BBQ (long slow smoking) wrapped in bacon stuffed with onion and sage is good

    lots of bones but the flavour really is worth it..

    you will morn the day you run out of squirrels


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