
The statement to read in a small claims court?

by Guest57836  |  earlier

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what is the statement that i have to read out. where can i find a copy of it?




  1. If you are talking about giving the oath, don't worry - they give you a card with the words on it

  2. What statement?

    Sorry, but we need more details, I have no idea what you're talking about.


  3. What ever you state or tell to the court under oath is best if written in your own words!

  4. I went to the small claims court a few years ago and it was very informal.  We sat round a table and there was no statement or oath.  I'm pretty sure it is still informal.

  5. Are you in england? if so the oath (if taken on the new testament" would have been "I swear by almighty god that the evidence I shall give shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth"  - that's from memory.

    It's very unusual to take the oath in a small claim.  The rules specifically state that the evidence need not be on oath.  The only time I remember a judge insisting on an oath in a small claim was when there were serious allegations made (of fraud).

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