
The strangest thing happened?

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Last night I was sleeping but still kind of a wake. I know because I could still hear what was on the TV. I was also dreaming I was flying.

I could control my flying and go over trees and through clouds. Since I felt half a wake I could feel my body tingling.

What does this mean ?

Has this ever happened to anyone?




  1. I'm guessing it's pretty normal.

    I've had those kinds of dreams before-except I was falling off my bed, and I dreamt I was falling off of a cliff. My body was literally shaking, since I was half-asleep.

  2. You had a out of body experience ; yes the first time its scary ; but you will get use to it

  3. You seem to have been experiencing a lucid dream with themes that may have been partly suggested by what you were semi-consciously aware of on the television.

    Flying in dreams usually has to do with a sense of well being as well.  Having such control implies a sense of freedom and confidence.  And again, don't overlook the possibility of themes on television bleeding over a bit too.

    By 'sleeping' while 'listening' to the television you were not permitting yourself the deep rest needed to relax the mind.  There's nothing harmful about your dream - that kind of thing can even be enjoyable.  But you are placed in an odd 'twighlight' when you 'sleep' in this manner and get into such dreams.  

    The tingling probably had to do with your actually being in and out of true sleep at different moments.  In the dream state you will experience a paralysis (normal) and as you transition from sleep to wakefulness, and back again may experience those kinds of sensations.  

    Another likely contributer would be the relative harshness of most living room furniture compared to a comfortable bed.  Cirulation can be hampered, muscles put into awkward stress modes and the result can be minor localized swelling of tissues or slight lack of local nutrition.  Nerves can undergo pressure induced stresses or even slight chemical deprivations and the tingling is there.  Not really harmful, just minor warning signs that you aren't treating your body very well when it happens.

    It happens to many of us - despite knowing better we will inevitably drift off in front of the television.

    All the best to you.


    Thank you for the additional context - it may help.

    If you are in a time of stress then consider that you are feeling more than a lumpy couch.  In fact, that probably helps explain why you are on the couch trying to sleep in front of the television.

    Flying still likely relates to some sense of power or control - perhaps in this case it relates to some glimmer of hope as you seek to recover from whatever it is that is dragging you down.  It may also relate to some yearning to seek out the answer - a quest of sorts.  Perhaps answers seem so close but you still actively seek - this exercise may be a mental manifestation of what you feel in that regard, if subliminally.

    Consider these things - perhaps it will help explain things.  Consider too cause and effect - even as stress or trouble may be interfering with sleep patterns, try ways to deliberately relax anyway and force a better pattern of sleep.  That would involve some way to occupy your mind with other than your troubles.  Easy to say - hard to do - but can be done.  Baby steps first - but if you can start to gain a more restful pattern then you may be able to start making headway that wasn't coming before.  

    Even the sense of trying can help get you started on that path by generating a tad bit of self confidence that you can then build on.  Your semi-nocturnal flight may relate to this aspect of the quest in some way - to remove yourself from the predicament far enough to get an objective view and start gaining control.

    Again - easily said here.  But think these things over to see how they might fit and perhaps just help a bit.

    All the very best to you.


    Sorry, overlooked that you were in bed, not on couch.

    The comments on stress however remain - in fact by your comments it does appear that there are stressors at work in your life right now that would go beyond that situation anyway.

    All the best to you in your recovery.


    In my flying dreams, it's like I'm still awake but I am flying over trees and houses and sometimes, I have to kick my legs in a bicycle motion to keep flying, and sometimes I just have to touch my toe to the ground once in a while and then I bounce back up. I also feel the tingling!

    Sooo creepy! <3

  5. Not exactly. Sometimes I'm awake in my head and my body is asleep. I can hear things, And I try to wake up, open my eyes, move my body, it's hard but eventually I wake up.

    Pretty weird. Sometimes it happens when I'm dreaming then I realize it's a dream and the dream goes away.

  6. Yes! Instead of it being late at night, I was sort of waking up, only I felt like I was still sleeping deeply. I know I was still awake somehow because I heard by brother's voice and my mom's too. I could also feel my bedspread. But I was dreaming I was falling, falling, falling....Until my point of view stopped and I saw myself fall down until I was only a speck. Tell I woke up completely with a jolt. It was really weird!! It doesn't mean anything, but I love it when this happens. I get to control my dreams too! I think it has something to do with the "dream mode" of our brain... But hey, I'm no expert on dreams.

    P.S: (I LOVE dreams where I could fly. I could actually feel the feeling of flying when i wake up..)

    Nicoleta ♥

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