
The strive of making yourself better ?

by  |  earlier

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Ok well im doing an essay for school about making yourself better , .. because we read the book speak .

How are some ways to make yourself better except for grades ?

if you could help ,i'd really appreciate it =]




  1. if  you  talk  about  becoming  a  better  person ,.

      then  my  advise  to  you  would  be ,

      to  become  more  considered  to  your  fellow  man .

    don,t  feel  the  need  of  revenge  if  you  think  some  one  did  you  wrong .--  let  it  slide  of .-

      it  only  will  make  you  stronger  in  character ,.

      believe  me ..

  2. Improve your personality. Figure out who you are and who you want to be.

  3. By having more confidence in yourself and not letting anybody, including yourself, put you down.

  4. Shower regularly...JK   Be nice to people even if you don't like them.  Help people when you can see they need it. and so on.

  5. Travel

  6. 1. Learning to help others and have no ulterior motive.

    2. Learning to speak properly without use of slang or profanity.

    3. Seeking to learn all that you can just for the fun of it.

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