
The student didn't like her teacher, she complained to her mother. If you were the Teacher what would you do?

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Mari took aver some classes due to jane's absence. However she could not recognize the class well because she did not know what to do, so she filled the time to ask some questions to her students such as name,favorite,color, hobbies. After all, The student complained about this to her mother.




  1. They all complain.  I just ignore it unless my boss tells me there's a problem.

    Kids and parents love to complain.

  2. I think the lesson for the teacher is to leave better substitute plans. It is the teacher's responsibility to leave lesson plans for whomever is covering his/her class(es). I would have to agree with the student here, although I wouldn't say the student should be disrespectful about it. This is a minor thing, and maybe the teacher got sick all of a sudden or an emergency caused the lack of planning.

    It may be possible to talk to the teacher about it and raise the concern. I wouldn't go to the principal though on this one if nothing changes. Save that for the bigger issues.

  3. online tutoring-

  4. Students most of them wants to learn some thing or other from the teacher every day.

    They never like mere questions either on their personalities or other similar aspects as illustrated in the question all the time. They just take it for granted that that hour is being wasted.

    If I go on substitute i shall start with some relavent short stories or puzzeles or some other simiple methods of realizing the facts useful for their studies,crosscuts or other methods useful for preparation towards exhibition or improvisation. I may appriciate some of the students of the class for their success or achievement or from the one who were alumini of the school. some how or other definetly any teacher will have in her store noval and creative ideas which wil attract many of the students to make them realize that you are useful to them in the proccess of learning.

  5. Sub plans are always important, but I'm guessing this was a highly unexpected absence. (Still, the home teacher should have backup plans on file with the secretary at the beginning of the year.)

    If I were the sub teacher, I would do nothing. A complaint to Mom isn't unusual. If she complains to the administration, then there's a problem.  However, if the administration does its job, this shouldn't affect the teacher too much. Perhaps a quick conversation or two between principal and sub, but administration is there to buffer parents. If the parent requests a meeting with the sub teacher, talk to the administrator first,

  6. Days like this are going to happen sometimes.  If the teacher got sick unexpectedly, then she would not have had time to make up appropriate plans for the day.  But he/she should always have stuff for the class to do, ready to go in the event this happens.  

    I can't imagine what the student thought she was going to accomplish by complaining to her mother.  To me, that's just another example of the teacher and/or substitute's authority being undermined.

    And maybe the substitute doesn't have a lot of experience.  This is a problem in our schools too.  The pay is so low that it is difficult to attract certified teachers to do it.

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