
The subject of gossip, i am curious as to how it is defined.?

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some people think anytime you say anything negative about another person it is gossip and being judgemental but arent there times that discussing what another person says or does is ok? example - talking about someone, but not for the enjoyment of thier infractions, but more as a way to learn about yourself and who you are and or learning from the experiances they have shared . keeping everything factual and non judmental, isnt ok to look at others as a way of seeing who you are and sharing the conversation with a friend? [i do not mean saying mean things, false things, private things or getting satisfaction out of anothers misfortune]




  1. Gossip:

    1 adialect British : godparent b: companion, crony c: a person who habitually reveals personal or sensational facts about others

    2 a: rumor or report of an intimate nature b: a chatty talk c: the subject matter of gossip

    — gos·sip·ry  \-sə-prē\ noun

  2. If you wouldn't say it in front of that person, it's gossip.  If you don't know for sure if it's true, it's gossip.

    I think what you are saying could be considered not to be gossip.

  3. I think gossip is something that can't properly be defined, because it's really a matter of opinion.

    A common problem with, for lack of a better term, "good gossip," is that sometimes things get misheard or exaggerated, even unintentionally. When this happens, things are said that are incorrect, and problems occur when the original person being spoken about is confronted about it.

    Even though the people mean well, mistakes still happen.

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