
The sudden death of Tim Russet?

by Guest58045  |  earlier

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Tim Russet dies at 58.

Though he was a staunch Democrat, I would he was the fairest man on any of the news shows.

Am I the only one who thinks we lost a decent man in the political/news world?




  1. No, you are not the only one who thinks we lost a decent man in the media of politics.  I am deeply saddened by his sudden death.

  2. What makes him the fairest? the fact that he endorses Obama?

    Ask John McCain how fair he thinks he was.

  3. This is incredibly sad. Russert and Meet the Press was quality journalism at its best.

  4. he had a huge influence

    he helped keep the 2 party stranglhold alive

  5. You're not the only one...

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