
The sun hurts my eyes that I have to keep them shut

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Whenever I go outside at about 2:00 and when the sun is strong, my eyes hurt and then I have to keep them closed or else I start getting water in them and people think I'm crying when I'm facing the sun. Then I turn and see people heading the direction I'm heading and they're all smiling and happy because they're eyes don't hurt from the sun. What should I do? I'm just a teenager and wearing sun glasses in not an option for me because no other kids wear sun glasses and it's embarrassing because I'm the only kid wearing dark glasses. You know how kids are unfortunately immature? Tell me what the eye doctor might tell me if I go see him?




  1. u hav really sensitive eyes..i do too

  2. What color eyes do you have? Blue & Green eyes tend to be really sensitive to the sun, because of less pigmentation.

    Also keep in mind certain medicines can make your eyes more sensitive to the sun.

    Do you wear contact lenses? You could be having an allergic reaction to the contact lenses.

    You could have really dry-eyes & that can make your eyes senstive to the sun. Try to use some hydrating eye drops.

    If neither is the case (or if it is), your eyes will always be sensitive to light unless something is developed by scientists to cure this problem. Unfortunately, the best cure right now is that you wear your sunglasses.

    Sorry, I know not what you wanted to hear, but I hope this helps.

    Good luck with everything.

  3. Well, he will tell you to wear sun glasses. I wear sunglasses /all/ the time, not just outside, and I am also a teenager. I also wear them at night... I felt really subconscious about it at first too, but, mostly people just start asking you stupid questions. Really though, the key is to find some really awesome sunglasses, and just tell your friends it makes you awesome. :P I got these really fun one's with little fake gems on the side of them and I wear them all the time. Most people like them, actually. The key is to turn it into a fashion statement. And, if it is just outside on sunny days, then most people wear sunglasses then. It is pretty normal.

    I know teens can be /very/ immature. Also dumb... Just make sure you really like the sunglasses that you get, and that they are the right colour. I think I went to walmart for mine, and they were (surprisingly) dark enough. I was surprised I found them, adn I got them for $5! Can't beat a nice fashion statement at a nice price.

    Good luck!

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